Friday, May 29, 2009

June 11, 1994

Almost fifteen years ago, I received a small rubber tree plant from my brother-in-law and his wife--Jon and Barb. This unexpected gift arrived at our door with a note attached and addressed to me: "Welcome to the family!"

June 11, 1994. This was a very good day.

I still have that rubber tree plant fifteen years later. It is not so small anymore. I take special care each winter to ensure it does not freeze, and I water it regularly. I try to treat it with the love and respect I think it needs and deserves. This rubber tree is more than just a plant that gets bigger each year. This plant represents my marriage. It has grown in beauty even though it has seen its fair share of weather and just plain ol' everyday age. It thrives.

Like this rubber tree plant, my marriage to Ken is bursting with God's abundant gift of Life and Love as well as the constant reaching out to offer a reassuring touch full of sweet tenderness and devotion. I would not have it any other way. I am welcome in this family, and so is this rubber tree plant Y

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Moonlight Walk Beautification Project: Garden Bench

I finally decided to drag the garden bench (with Ken's help) from the backyard to the front porch. This poor bench has never really served its intended purpose as a nice place to sit or a charming object strategically placed to beautify an area, and it has been subjected to all kinds of weather for several years.

These two before pictures were taken after I had already started sanding the wood. I needed to turn the bench on its end so that I could sand and stain the underside. These pictures show how the wood was very weathered from constant sun and rain throughout the years. The top of the bench was more weathered than the bottom, but all of the original stain was long gone--leaving our neglected bench to sit patiently in all its naked glory.

Here is the after picture. I chose a red mahogany stain rather than the oak stain that we have throughout the inside of the house. I think the rich color looks attractive next to the green metal as well as next to the brick and tile.

Ken was more excited than I expected when I finished this project. I am not really sure why he reacted so enthusiastically, but his praise definitely made me happy and ready to tackle the next Moonlight Walk Beautification Project: staining the deck!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Making the Grade

I have officially completed my first semester of grad school (master's degree). I have not received my final grades yet, but I am not stressing about that. I have decided that I will be fine if I make a B in one or both classes. I know I made all As as an undergraduate, but that was way too stressful. Making a B is OK! Actually, I think I deserve a B in both of my classes this semester. I struggled a lot to find enthusiasm when it came to writing my papers. I was not happy with any of them really. I definitely did not give them my best.

What bothers me the most is that I have no feelings either way about completing my first semester. I am happy that I can read and do whatever I want without a paper looming. Other than that . . . indifference. That is out of character for me, and I do not like it. I have decided to get more involved at school--like attend some lectures, etc. I think that is what I am missing. I have been so used to being on campus most of the day, every day. This semester I was hardly there except to attend class twice a week. I need to soak up a little more academic atmosphere.

I like this plan. I shall call it Plan B.

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