"Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, a world without end. Amen."
But the promise comes with a response from us: trust. We must trust in Him. O! this is so much easier said than done! I have found it incredibly easy to say, "Lord, I trust you." But how often do I follow these words with worry and indecisiveness? Is this how I am supposed to receive God's promise or His protection . . . with distrust? Of course not! I say the words, but do my actions prove it? Not always. I often say one thing and do or feel another.Our words of trust and faith are meaningless if our actions prove otherwise.
I resolve to trust in God and His promise, and I will show Him my trust through my thoughts and my words and within my heart.My outward actions should reflect that level of trust and faith in Him that I exhibit in my thoughts, my words, and my heart. I can be physically reminded of my resolve when I hear the Gospel at Mass as I trace the cross on my forehead, my lips, and my breast--and then go forth to do God's Will with my entire body filled with trust in Him. All three must work together: thoughts, words, and heart. It is not enough to just speak the words.
This verse is translated differently in other Bibles, and it may also be numbered as verse 30. I find the New American Bible translation, however, to be incredibly meaningful and beautiful--for my own edification.http://www.usccb.org/nab/bible/
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