Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Buona Sera, Ragazzi!

It's been four years since I spent a month in Italy, so that means it's been four years since I have officially spoken any significant amount of Italian. I am very ashamed to admit that I have not practiced at all, and I have forgotten so much. The desire, however, for everything Italian is still tucked away inside my heart. I do believe it's time to get back on that international horse because I have no intention of giving up such a beautiful language!

Who is with me in reawakening (or learning) the Italian language? Who will embark with me on a language journey that will never end; a journey that will include a trip to Italy where we can dress, act, and speak Italian with aplomb!

Who's in? Let's begin our journey together, right here and right now!
Firenze, Italia
We'll start at the beginning:

Buon Giorno (hello)
Come ti chiami? (what is your name?)
Mi chiamo Ruthie (my name is Ruthie)


Stay tuned!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Shades of Summer

No, I'm not talking about ghosts that haunt summertime, although there might be some lurking. I love shade, and we finally put a lid on our deck! We chose the metal louvered slats rather than the canvas retractable cover because it's sleeker and should last longer. I love the clean lines and the shadiness these slats provide (I have a love/hate relationship with the sun--love because it's necessary for life, hate because it can be deadly mean).

We opted for the manual operation only because we would need two motors (we have a large deck) and each motor costs $500. Ridiculous, I say. I can turn a crank like nobody's business! Besides, one less thing that uses electricity is okay in my book.

The summer sun is so brutal and relentless, so this project is long overdue. Here's a peek at our new covering for our now very enjoyable deck. I offer a couple of views of it opened and closed. You can see the crank (to the left) in this first picture. It can be removed and stowed if desired.
Here's a picture that shows that the cover is split into two sections, and we can control each side separately.
And here are two random deck pictures:

Our new deck box to hide all the necessary yet unattractive deck stuff.

Limes! sort of...

Thanks for hanging out on our shady deck! Would you like some lime in your iced tea?

Monday, May 23, 2011

Wake Up and Say Thank You!

I'm okay, but things could have gone in a different direction. I've hesitated in blogging because I'm not sure I have completely sorted out my thoughts and feelings on what could have been.

I had to have a biopsy of some clustered calcification in my right breast (near the chest wall). Turns out it's fibrocystic changes, which is a good thing, relatively speaking. I've had cysts for several years now, but so far they've not been a problem. During my April mammogram, they discovered this cluster of calcium deposits, which they called "area of concern" in my letter, and my doctor called it "complications" when she phoned me. I remained calm, cool, and collected...mostly. After some research, I found out that calcification is not normally a cause for alarm if the calcium deposits are scattered. If they're clustered...well...they can only tell what the cluster is hiding by doing a biopsy. What they discover could be benign, precancerous, or malignant.

My biopsy on Thursday, May 5 was a core needle biopsy that included leaving in a marker for future mammograms. The procedure, however, was a little more involved than I expected. I was really frightened going in because it was all so foreign to me, but I put on a brave face for Ken. There's a continuous mammogram or x-ray to make sure they're on target, a small incision, and some blood--enough said. Oh, and there's pain after the local wears off.

The hard part is the waiting and wondering, but on the following Tuesday, my doctor called to tell me I'm fine. Whew!

I prayed a lot, and I was preparing myself for the different scenarios. The verdict I got was definitely the best case scenario. I'm blessed, but I'm not off the hook. I have decided to treat this as a wake up call. My health in general is very good but definitely not perfect. I can do better. I may not have much control over future calcification of the breast since, in my case, it's all part of growing old up, but I can do more to maintain my good health.

I've had four friends who have survived breast cancer in recent years (one was just last year). One of these friends (maybe more, but she's the only one I asked) had clustered calcification. Throughout this whole ordeal, I kept telling myself that I'm not exempt. I can get sick just like anyone else. I prayed for healing, but I also prayed for courage and strength for myself and my family to handle come what may. This wake up call involves taking better care of my body and my soul. It's time to take stock of my physical situation and figure out a game plan to at least try to keep what might have been from becoming what is. And I can never neglect my spiritual armour because the fate of my soul is what counts in the end.

Life is a gift to be received with gratitude and thanksgiving...every day.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Green is Such a Lovely Color

I found a company that delivers Fresh Local Organic Produce--right to my front door! This company is called Greenling, and it's based out of Austin, Texas. In addition to providing a lot of produce from local farms, Greenling also has many non-produce items such as milk and eggs as well as non-food stuff (I haven't checked everything out yet because so far I'm just interested in local organic produce). You can do almost all of your shopping this way, and there's no extra charge for delivery! Check out the website here to learn how a young college guy started the whole thing. So cool!

I stumbled upon all of this on Saturday and liked what I saw, so I decided to give it a try! The set delivery day for our area is Tuesday. That's today! I decided to go the easy route and choose the Local Box. This bin contains fresh local produce, and the selection obviously changes weekly. For this week, here's what I got:
  • Spring Lettuce Mix from Tecolote Farm
  • Carrots from Acadian Family Farm
  • Chard from Bradshaw
  • Brussels Sprouts from Hillside Farm
  • Summer Squash from Acadian Family Farm
  • Yukon Potatoes from Green Gate Farm
  • Flat Leaf Parsley from Tecolote
  • Heirloom Tomatoes from Bluebonnet Hydroponic
  • Mango from G&S Grove
  • Crisp Green Leaf Lettuce from Lund Produce
Here's a picture:

click on the picture for a larger view

At first I thought some of it was kind of skimpy. But after contemplating for a little while, I realized that it's probably just right. I sometimes end up throwing food out because I don't get to it in time. This is one way to have just the right amount. Besides, If I know I will need more of an item, I can request it ahead of time. There are other types of boxes to choose from, and you can build your own if you want only specific items. Although, I kind of like the randomness of the Local Box.

One of the many nice things about this company is that there are no contracts to commit to. You can order whenever and whatever you want. I only signed up for this week's delivery because I wanted to see how it all works. I haven't tasted anything yet, but I'm already thinking about ordering next week's box. I also plan to go to the grocery store tomorrow to price these things as a comparison--just out of curiosity since I know organic local food can cost a bit more. Either way, using Greenling is a fun and healthy way to eat my fruits and veggies as well as support local farms and help the environment. All good things!

Oh yeah, the box contains a list of what's in there as well as recipe suggestions. How helpful! They also gave me (as a welcome, I guess) a bumper sticker.

I'm so excited! Now I need to decide how I want to use everything this week.
Buon Appetito!

Sunday, April 24, 2011


This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice in it and be glad.
~ Psalm 118:24
Christ is Risen!
Alleluia! Allelluia!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Marking the Unremarkable

For some odd reason the image of my art class back in high school popped into my head. What? This was. . . okay, I'll just say it. . . almost 30 years ago! Gasp! Double Gasp! Has it really been that long? Certainly, it does feels like years ago, but not that many years. Whatever, I'm okay with that.

Anyway, I can actually smell the smells of that art room: paint, pastels, charcoal. What's your pleasure? Mine was pen and ink--making small dots all over the page a bazillion times and discovering glory and triumph in the picture that slowly, painstakingly emerges. What a rush! Only it isn't a rush. That's what I always liked about that medium--it's methodical and takes absolutely forever. There's no instant gratification there, but the process is pure tedium and irresistible. Weird, I know. But this is what I like: mundane, everyday, process, life in the making. It's easy to love the moments of excitement--moments that are like no other and that anchor your memories and illustrate your story. What about the unremarkable moments? Don't they deserve notice or perhaps a few dots of ink?

Trudging, plodding, breathing. . . these are the moments I treasure and draw slowly and lovingly on the flawed plains of my heart. I exist outside the spectacular. I am ordinary. I am a former artist that still is.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Are Turkey Vultures Beautiful?

I have always been attracted and repulsed by buzzards, so I was a little excited when I had a brief encounter with some turkey vultures living in a nearby park.

Beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder when it comes to these birds. I don't think I can call them exactly beautiful, but I will say they have a certain grotesque majesty.

This one and another flew out of this cave when I approached. Their heavily flapping wings startled me, but I think I startled them a lot more. I don't think they were too happy to be disturbed. Apparently, they hang out in this cave to keep cool.

I suppose I can say I'm attracted to these weird birds because they have such a singular purpose in life, and they fulfill that purpose oh so very thoroughly. Ah! therein lies their beauty! The earth needs these blushing cleaners, and who am I to begrudge them when their only goal in life is to fulfill the purpose that God has chosen for them.

Carry on with your carrion, noble buzzards!

The park is called Stone Oak Park, and there were other things here besides turkey vultures. I didn't walk everywhere because I want to save some for another day.

I don't believe this dead oak tree will provide enough shade for anyone who decides to take a breather on that bench, especially when the temperature soars over 100°F.

Here is an interesting way to mark the miles.

A place to rest.

Obviously, the day was very beautiful with a mildly cool breeze every so often. Nice, warm, and perfect for a walk in the park amid the Texas flora and fauna.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

A New Lenten Practice

For the past few years, I have not only given up meat every day during Lent, I have also carried the no meat on Friday practice beyond the Lenten season. While I am abstaining from meat only on Fridays this Lent, I do plan to continue this practice throughout the year because it causes me to reflect on Christ's sacrifice and suffering.

I have decided to incorporate something new to my Lenten experience. I have chosen a passage in the bible to reflect upon until Easter Sunday. The passage I have chosen is from the Gospel According to Luke. It is about Mary and Martha at the end of chapter ten.

As they continued their journey he entered a village where a woman whose name was Martha welcomed him. She had a sister named Mary who sat beside the Lord at this feet listening to him speak. Martha, burdened with much serving, came to him and said, "Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me by myself to do the serving? Tell her to help me." The Lord said to her in reply, "Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things. There is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her." ~ Luke 10:38-42 (NAB)

Since Lent is well under way, I have already begun breaking down this very short passage and reflecting on its overall meaning as well as its meaning in my life at this particular time. I look forward to Easter when I can share my observations and how this activity has benefited my Lenten experience. I'm excited to focus on such a small portion of scripture (forty days is a long time to reflect on a few sentences). While I have read the Bible, and I have attended Bible study, this will be the first time I actually spend so much time on one part.

Hello, God! I'm listening!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Moonlight Walk Concerto Number 5

On this beautiful spring day, I decided to take a break and sit on the backyard deck for a few minutes. I purposely engaged in total disconnection from our electronic age and total connection to the sounds that exist on the fringes of my consciousness right in my own backyard. This is a good way to develop the habit of mindful relaxation and awareness, and I hope I will do this more often.

Here is what I heard as I leaned my head back and closed my eyes:

  • The wind rushing with gusto through the tree tops
  • A multitude of birds communicating their joy to be alive
  • The strange whirring of grasshoppers
  • The echoing bark of a faraway dog
  • Water dripping from a potted plant
  • Buzzing bees that prefer to be left alone
  • The deep-toned peal of the neighbor's wind chime
  • The resonant rumble of a distant car
  • Rustling leaves as occasional wind gusts propel them to new locations
  • My own heartbeat
 Music to my ears and a symphony in my soul!

What do you hear when you sit in your backyard?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Warm Prayer with Pockets

My church, Holy Trinity Catholic Church, has a ministry called Hugs Ministry. The latest project is knitted or crocheted prayer shawls for people who are ill and need a little hug from God as well as from loving parishioners.

I finally started knitting a prayer shawl! Here's a picture of it in the beginning stage. The color is called Mixed Berry, and it is a very uplifting color. I know it appears to be small, but it is folded under, so it's not stretched out to the full 20 inches. It will eventually be 20" x 60" with a pocket at each end. Warm, comforting, and useful!

Previously for this ministry, we made baby blankets for unwed mothers. I really enjoy making blankets, so I made two: see them here.

I'm looking forward to finishing this project, but I love the process as well. Each time I pick up my shawl and knit a few rows, I say a prayer for the person who will receive this homemade hug. I hope and pray my humble gift will warm that special someone with God's love.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Totally Cool Tuesday: Spring Fever

While I did have a high fever last week and over the weekend, that's not the fever I want to blog about. I'm over my random illness, so now it's time to focus on more important things such as spring cleaning, spring weather, and a touch of spring fever. Cue the visual!
After last week's freakishly freezing temperatures, I'm enjoying this much more mild weather. Don't be fooled by the "Mostly Cloudy" bit. The sun is working just fine, trust me.  Although, I actually prefer mostly cloudy.

This forecast is totally cool.
What do you think?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Totally Cool Tuesday: One of the Good Guys

Sidney Poitier is my favorite actor. He's a class act all around, and he's one of the few celebrities I would love to meet. He hasn't made any movies lately (he'll be 84 on February 20), but we still have many wonderful movies of his to watch and enjoy--over and over and over.

Lilies of the Field is my favorite--not only of Sidney Poitier's movies, but all movies. Mr. Poitier was the first black actor to win an Oscar, and it was for this movie (best actor in a leading role). I know why, too. He's fantastic!
I haven't seen all of his movies, but here are a few that I have seen several times:
  • A Raisin in the Sun (1961)
  • Lilies of the Field (1963)
  • A Patch of Blue (1965)
  • To Sir, with Love (1967)
  • Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967)
Sidney Poitier is definitely one of the good guys--and not just as an actor. I have read his autobiography The Measure of a Man: A Spiritual Autobiography, 2000 (great book!), and I still need to read Life Beyond Measure: Letters to My Great-Granddaughter, 2008.

Take a few minutes to find out more about this amazing man. Maybe you'll say he's totally cool as well.
What do you think?

Friday, February 4, 2011

Paw Prints and Catnaps

A lot of the neighborhood cats seem to love our yard and especially our deck. Most of the cats run away if I go outside--who knows why they are so skittish. The cat next door, however, never hightails it when I open the door. She loves when I go outside and pet her and let her jump in my lap.

There's a friendly orange cat that has been hanging around lately.

Not too long ago, the orange cat wanted to be friendly with the charcoal cat who was very comfortably sleeping on our patio chair.

Yesterday afternoon, the orange cat wanted to come inside. It has been very cold this week. I was tempted, but I said no because I know this cat has a home close by and is well taken care of. I told her to run on home before it got dark, and she did.

This morning we woke up to a tiny bit of snow. Not a big deal to people north of us, but a big deal here in south Texas. Since we get so many kitties visiting our house, I can't be sure which cat left these cute little paw prints. We get a white/gray, a charcoal, a black (two), and an orange cat at any given time, so these prints could belong to any one of them--or maybe a new one. Either way, they are all welcome to stop by and visit or take a little nap on our deck or porch.

I'm not quite ready to get another cat of my own, so I'm satisfied with the occasional visit from the many cats that live around here and patrol our neighborhood.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Totally Cool Tuesday: Don't Just Use It, Reuseit!

One of my favorite websites is http://www.reuseit.com/. Their tagline is "reusables for every part of your life."

It's been a while since I've ordered something from this site. I recently checked it out again, and I discovered they have added so many new things. Actually, the site used to be called ReusableBags, but I guess they changed it because they go way beyond bags now.

Several years ago, I ordered five shopping bags. This picture is the closest I could find to what my bags look like.

The only difference is that my bags are brown, and they were around $6 each. They are now on sale for $2.95. These cotton bags get compliments--mostly because of the dual handles. The short handles make lifting and carrying a lot easier when the bag is extra heavy. I know you can get much cheaper reusable bags, but I bought these when most stores didn't sell them or give them away. I don't regret a single penny, because my brown bags are wonderful!

I did get these bags from the same site before I ordered the ones I just described.

I think these string bags would be good at farmer's markets when you are buying a lot of fruits and vegetables. I struggled with them on a regular basis and with regular groceries. They're too stretchy and somewhat awkward with corners poking out and small things falling through, but they are still better than those urban tumbleweeds: the plastic ones at the checkout.

http://www.reuseit.com/ added so many totally cool new categories since I last ordered anything. I'm looking forward to browsing. I will also spend a little time reading some of the interesting stuff they have on their site that informs and encourages the public to do the right thing.

What do you think?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Totally Cool Tuesday

Welcome to my new blog idea. This weekly post is where I share what I consider to be totally cool. It might be a gadget, a book, a place, a person, an activity--could be anything!

For this first Totally Cool Tuesday, I have chosen a very handy dandy emergency radio. This AM/FM, TV, and weather alert radio has a hand crank to charge the built-in battery, and it can be used as a flashlight and a beacon. What I really like about this product is that you can charge your cell phone on it. Now that's really cool.

I'm really into being prepared for emergencies, and this radio would be the perfect item to add to my action plan for preparedness.
What do you think?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Little Reinvention

Now what? Well, I'm looking for a job. Actually, I'm looking for a career--or at least employment that will allow me to utilize my Bachelor's and Master's degrees in English. I want to find something that will make me smile each morning because I love what I do!
  • Start buying new clothes . . . including a suit. Yes, a suit! A first for me. I actually can't wait to wear it. A little reinvention never hurt anyone: check
  • Visit the Career Center at UTSA and start using their website to help locate that perfect job: check
  • Work on my resume so I can upload it to the UTSA Career Center website and upload it to LinkedIn: check
  • Apply!
The only thing missing is what exactly do I want to do? So many people want to know why I'm not going to teach. "You would be perfect at it." "I can totally see you teaching college students." Really? I don't see it.

I'm having trouble visualizing what that job will be, but it's out there. I just need to put all the pieces in place, and I need to trust in God to lead me.

In the meantime, I'm reading, playing pool, and cleaning/organizing my house. Little miss laziness has her eye on me, so I'm trying to stay strong! Inspiration is all around me.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Reader of Books

Besides setting the goals of finding a job, becoming a better pool player, and cleaning/organizing all the nooks and crannies in my house in 2011, I have also set a reading goal. I think it's so much fun that Goodreads.com has set up a Reading Challenge! This kind of thing is right up my alley because, well, I love to read. Oh really?

My goal is to read 111 books this year! I made a "read in 2010" shelf in Goodreads, tagged those books, and discovered I read 103 books last year. Some of those books I actually read before 2010, but I did read them again last year, so I counted them. I like to be accurate!

I'm not sure if eight more books is much of a challenge, but I read most of those books last year for grad school--and several were over 800 pages! I'm finished with school, and I have free time to read a lot right now . . . but . . . I can't really say what my reading life will be like once I start working. I hate setting this type of goal and then coming up short. I really hate that! It's like doing NaNoWriMo in November. If I start it, I finish it. Period. I might find myself reading like a maniac in November and December because I will read at least 111 books this year!

I added the Goodreads Reading Challenge widget right here on my blog (to the left) to show my progress. I can do it!
What's your goal?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Owning the Table

Time for another year of pool! The part I like best about this game is watching Ken play. He's so good, and he makes the game look so easy. He skilfully controls the cue ball so that it seems almost magical. It's also fun to see people acknowledge Ken as an amazing pool player. Infused with a bit of jealousy and a lot of admiration, Ken's opponents know who owns the table.

One of my goals for 2011 is to practice more. I think I got a little burned out by the end of 2010, so I need to get my head back in the game. I wouldn't mind owning the table once in a while.

Rack 'em!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Movies 2011

1. Country Strong--January 15
2. The King's Speech--March 16
3. The Lincoln Lawyer--March 20
4. Unknown--April 22
5. Water for Elephants--May 21
6. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides--June 11
7. Super 8--June 15
8. Larry Crowne--July 5
9. Cowboys & Aliens--August 5
10. The Help--August 22
11. The Debt--September 9
12. Contagion--September 24
13. Seven Days in Utopia--October 7
14. Killer Elite--October 21
15. Tower Heist--November 5
16. The Way--November 6
17. The Descendents--November 24
18. J. Edgar--December 3
19. Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows--December 16
20. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo--December 30


Movies 2010
Movies 2009

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