Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Little Reinvention

Now what? Well, I'm looking for a job. Actually, I'm looking for a career--or at least employment that will allow me to utilize my Bachelor's and Master's degrees in English. I want to find something that will make me smile each morning because I love what I do!
  • Start buying new clothes . . . including a suit. Yes, a suit! A first for me. I actually can't wait to wear it. A little reinvention never hurt anyone: check
  • Visit the Career Center at UTSA and start using their website to help locate that perfect job: check
  • Work on my resume so I can upload it to the UTSA Career Center website and upload it to LinkedIn: check
  • Apply!
The only thing missing is what exactly do I want to do? So many people want to know why I'm not going to teach. "You would be perfect at it." "I can totally see you teaching college students." Really? I don't see it.

I'm having trouble visualizing what that job will be, but it's out there. I just need to put all the pieces in place, and I need to trust in God to lead me.

In the meantime, I'm reading, playing pool, and cleaning/organizing my house. Little miss laziness has her eye on me, so I'm trying to stay strong! Inspiration is all around me.

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