Thursday, January 29, 2009

Taking Chances - Part Two

What do you see when you look at this picture?
Do you see a famous landmark, a narrow street surrounded by old buildings, or maybe an opportunity to take a chance?

This is another picture from Italy--Florence. Unlike the picture of that mysterious path I wrote about on 1/22 entitled "Taking Chances," I did walk here--with my class as well as by myself.

I call this "taking chances" because I did take a chance. I woke up early one morning and took a walk by myself. This probably doesn't sound like a big deal, but it was for me. Even with a map I have absolutely no sense of direction. I walked around and tried to look at everything and enjoy the solitude. I was a little nervous that I would get lost, so it wasn't necessarily a relaxing walk. That's okay. It was still a good thing, and I did have fun being in such a great city and wandering its ancient streets. It was an adventure!

I felt adventurous many times during that summer month in Italy in 2007, and I learned a lot about myself.

I would consider many of the things I have done these past several years adventurous. I have always loved the idea of adventure, but I have to make the effort to take chances and to be brave--and not just in traveling to foreign lands. I have learned that I could miss out on way too much if I don't swallow my shyness and just get out there and be brave.

Well, I did make it back to the hotel, and I was happy with myself. I guess if I can fly from Texas to Italy all alone and explore a foreign city all alone, I can pretty much do anything. I wasn't afraid when I walked around Florence by myself that morning, but I was definitely glad to get back to the hotel and relax with a cappuccino.

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