Thursday, July 30, 2009

Ask no Questions, Get no Lies Told

I was going to steal a blogger's blog idea today and post 20 questions and answers about myself--and I wouldn't really make up fake answers like the title of this post suggests. I was halfway through the questions on the list and I lost interest. That doesn't bode well for my personality. Who really wants to know these things about me? I mean, who cares what I had for breakfast or who is on my "list"--whatever the heck that means. Besides, all the really juicy stuff is in the vault, and I threw that key away a long time ago, which means nothing that interesting happens me to anymore since I wouldn't be able to put it in the vault without a blowtorch. *sigh*

I do, however, enjoy reading questions and answers that other people put out there. People are so interesting. That's why I like to people watch--people are not only interesting they are hilarious. It's especially fun in airports and other places that attract a huge variety of the human race. When it comes to questions and answers though, I like to read all that mundane stuff about a person with the occasional "I didn't know that" thrown in. Of course, if the questions and answers are for someone I don't know then it's all new, and that's okay. I guess I could make up my own list of questions, but I can't think of any that would keep people riveted to their computer and occasionally saying, "I didn't know that."

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Please, please, please, please tell me I'm not the only one who struggles with procrastination, laziness, sluggishness, or just a plain I-don't-wanna-do-anything kind of feeling. Whatever you want to call it, I do not want it. I practically have to nag myself into getting up and doing things that need doing. I'm okay with the things that have to get done . . . usually, like the things to survive or to keep up the appearance that I'm functioning normally. But am I rushing around doing the things that should get done? Uh . . . no. wth?! Okay, I did accomplish a few, and I mean a few, things on my to do list today, so that's something, right . . . right? I need a support group or a cheerleader or something! Maybe I feel like this because it's summer and we have this freakish heat wave going on. Yeah--okay--the heat! I can live with that theory. I know it's not hot inside the house, but it's still hot outside. That counts, right?

Monday, July 20, 2009

A Barking Chihuahua and Facebook

Today was an extremely weird day. I am not even sure where to begin, so I guess I will just say it finally rained this evening. But the whole day was off and strange. This happens, I know, so I refuse to worry about it.

Tomorrow I will visit my friend, Sonia. I get to help her with her Facebook and any other computer questions she has waiting for me. She has trouble posting pictures and just using Facebook in general. Lunch first though!

Sonia has a yappy dog, Emmy, who refuses to let anyone speak above her high pitched barking. I think the dog hates me. That is weird too because animals usually like me--maybe because I am an earth sign or because I rarely make eye contact with . . . well . . . anyone, including dogs. Or perhaps I am too small to be threatening to anyone let alone a tiny, fat dog with blazing eyes and a knack for piercing my eardrums with her doggy warnings to vacate her territory. Anyway, this dog nips at my feet and barks in my face, and Sonia and I usually become hoarse from yelling over the noise. Tomorrow will be a good day.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Hello World

I have acknowledged that it is extremely important to speak (electronically or otherwise) to those you care about. This seems like common knowledge, but how many of us actually practice it? I do . . . as much as I can anyway. I never let Ken part from me without a hug, a kiss, and a "be careful" to send him on his way. What if . . . ? I try to acknowledge people when they send me a "hello." How many of us allow friends and family to fall by the wayside? I do, unfortunately--although not as much since so many people I know are on Facebook these days--but I know I still need to try harder! I try to be there or say "hi" or maybe throw out a short and sweet response every now and then. I responded this morning to my parents' email about our upcoming visit in September. They sent me an email on Friday, and I realized this morning that I never responded! Shame on me! They are too important for me to acknowledge them two days later. This shameful feeling prompted me to blog. I feel bad! I want people to know I care and that they are important to me. My selfishness takes over sometimes, darn it!

I have to work at remembering the importance of "keeping in touch" or just acknowledging people because I have a tendency to hermitize myself for long periods of time (yes, you can be a hermit in the middle of a crowd). I am reaching out a lot more these days, but it is not easy for has never been my nature to put myself in such a vulnerable position . . . you know, reach out and risk getting ignored. I hate that, but I am working at not taking it personally. A good friend of mine took forever to respond to an email I sent a few months ago--I started thinking she was mad or whatever . . . I felt bad for a long time even though I really had no reason to feel this way...I know people have busy lives and may forget. I know she did not mean any harm by her unresponsiveness, but I do not want to be like that . . . I mean, I do not want to be the one who never responds or responds weeks later! Ahhh--the Golden Rule!

I must try harder to reach out to the people I love, like, and maybe just know slightly. Life is too short to be going about my business thinking only of myself.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Summer Vacation 2009 and my brobdingnagian list of things to do

I have not blogged much lately because my 17th Century Drama class has kept me very busy these last 5 weeks. Yay! the class is finished. I totally enjoyed the class though. I read some 17th Century plays that I would not have ever read, and I liked them a lot. I do not have problems reading old stuff, so I should not be surprised that I liked these plays. I especially liked learning more about the history of the time--cool!

But now I get to do summer stuff for the next month and a half or so. I am excited to accomplished some long overdue tasks. I have put off doing several things around the house, so now it is time. I am going to clean and organize the following areas: pantry, all of the cabinets in the house, especially in the kitchen and the utility room, master closet, both spare bedrooms, and my bookshelves in the study. I would also like to start taking down the wallpaper in the small bathroom, but I am not sure if that will happen right now.

In addition to all of the above (as if that is not enough), I plan to do these things also: practice my Italian, practice the piano, edit one of my nanowrimo novels, do stuff in the yard, post pictures on Shutterfly, read anything and everything, pray the Rosary more (I hate not doing it every day), write some actual letters to several people (real paper letters that you mail--yeah, maybe I will get letters back *sigh* because I love getting mail).

Yes, I am probably being overly ambitious or unrealistic about getting ALL of these things done in less than 2 months, but I am definitely going to try. I like a challenge, even though I am the laziest person on the planet . . . usually . . . okay, always. I am trying to kick that habit! Wish me luck!

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