I consider myself a homebody even though I enjoy going out as well. I firmly believe that it's important to find a balance between going out and staying home and enjoying both. I actually like being in my house and doing little things to make it cozy and appealing. I also have no problem being alone. I'm not unhappy with my own company, but I definitely love when Ken comes home! This is a very good balance, and this balance keeps me going and keeps me happy. I don't feel the need to be with people--or even with Ken--every second of every day. Yes, I know many people who are unable to be alone . . . ever. When I am around people or when Ken and I spend time together, I find this time to be more meaningful and beautiful because it complements my time alone. Balance.

I just got this chair and ottoman, and I love it! This is my special place where I can curl up and read. All is as it should be in my cozy place!