I didn't log in to Facebook last week. The initiative to "unplug" from electronic time fillers and to plug into other positive things such as nature and reading came from my stepdaughter's church: Vineyard Community Church. I enthusiastically decided to join in, and I chose to give up checking Facebook for a whole week unless someone sent me a message that required an immediate response.
The result: I didn't miss Facebook. This doesn't mean I don't want to use Facebook--it just means I don't need a daily (hourly?) dose of social onslaught. I was able to confirm that I can use Facebook sparingly and still reap the benefits of staying connected. This was exciting and enlightening! Thank you, Jennifer! Thank you for sharing this experience with me.
I did utilize Goodreads a little more last week while I was unplugged from Facebook. Even though Goodreads is an electronic tool (hey, so is Blogger), I like that I can track what I read and what I want to read. I thoroughly enjoy using this wonderful site to enter or to update book information as well as to see what my friends are reading. Gotta love that!
On another note, I deleted my Twitter account. While many people find this social media tool fun and necessary to stay connected, I don't see any value in it for me personally. I never use Twitter, and I don't want to log in and watch tweets go by all day long. Ditto for Myspace: not needed. not wanted. goodbye.
I will continue to use Facebook on an as-needed basis so I can stay close to my family and friends. Facebook has become a powerful, global means to maintain connectivity . . . and it works for me--as long as I continue to recognize its value and don't allow it to strangle the other important aspects out of my life such as face-to-face interaction, learning, household chores, rest, recreational activities, reading, nature, and daily prayer.
Life is so much more interesting and meaningful when it's filled and balanced with what's important.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Please, Tread on Me
An impression of a leaf in concrete: who cares? I do, actually. This image can be amazing even though many might never take the moment to observe and to admire its simplicity. To me, this humble leaf cast in concrete represents the past, the present, and the future.
The past is fairly obvious. An image that boldly says, "I existed." This little leaf served its purpose to provide shelter, shade, and oxygen. The solitary leaf was then chosen to remain "alive" long after life has left in order to serve a new and lasting purpose.
The present is represented through the concrete that contains the leafy memory. Cement that humankind has perfected over time and uses almost everywhere. A firm matter that makes modern life easier, cleaner, starker. The leaf image provides a very small amount of softness and beauty to an otherwise utilitarian path.
Where is the future in all this? The invisible footprints that remain on the unassuming image track the future as the living advance to and fro into life's journey. The future is in the young and the old, human and beast, who run, skip, plod, shuffle, and tread on this imprint of the past preserved in the substance of the present.
Don't overlook nature when you venture into God's wondrous world, even nature that is preserved by humankind. Never discount the simple, the small, and the obscure that can possibly make you smile, cry, laugh, or ponder. This shade of a bygone leaf may not produce high emotion in the breast of the casual observer, but it can create a lasting impression on the soul if we allow it to penetrate the armor that is our distracted and busy lives. Admiration is free and takes but a moment.
I lived in the past * I dwell in the present * I uphold the future.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Blushing Beauty
Almost time to harvest this cute little Roma tomato.
Here are some more that will hopefully turn the same lovely shade of red.
Here's a different one. I like that even tomatoes don't always feel the need to conform completely.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Faster Than a Speeding Bullet
That's how fast this summer is moving: faster than a speeding bullet. July is almost half finished, and I am so not ready for August. The end of August means school and my last semester as a grad student. As I approach this final semester, I am excited, sad, scared, apprehensive, exhilarated, and sleepy.
The end of August also means my MA Comprehensive Exam will be right around the corner, which I have been preparing for by reading a lot this summer. I don't feel, however, that I have done enough or that I have always used this precious summer time wisely. I really need to kick it into a much higher gear . . . starting now!
Summer won't last forever, and speeding bullets must eventually land. Ready?
The end of August also means my MA Comprehensive Exam will be right around the corner, which I have been preparing for by reading a lot this summer. I don't feel, however, that I have done enough or that I have always used this precious summer time wisely. I really need to kick it into a much higher gear . . . starting now!
Summer won't last forever, and speeding bullets must eventually land. Ready?
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Pool Party!
No, it's not that kind of pool party with all the splashing, chlorine, suntan lotion, and tons of food. Although that does sound like a fabulous idea to get through our hot Texas summer.
It's about Pool.
This is what Ken and I do these days. We play pool . . . a lot!

And I'm not talking about heading out to the local pool hall every so often to breeze through a few racks. I'm talking about league nights with all the excitement and stress that goes with playing on a team against other teams. I play three nights a week and Ken plays four. I'm not sure who is crazier--Ken for being a pool-playing maniac, or me for allowing him to talk me into playing a game that is ridiculously hard with people standing around watching your every move. I have to admit though, it's a lot of fun.
If you have a mind to, come on over to the house and play a few games of 8-ball or 9-ball. If you're a beginner like me, we'll both get to shoot. If you play Ken, be prepared to rack just about every time and to sit and watch. He's sneaky good.
It's about Pool.
This is what Ken and I do these days. We play pool . . . a lot!

And I'm not talking about heading out to the local pool hall every so often to breeze through a few racks. I'm talking about league nights with all the excitement and stress that goes with playing on a team against other teams. I play three nights a week and Ken plays four. I'm not sure who is crazier--Ken for being a pool-playing maniac, or me for allowing him to talk me into playing a game that is ridiculously hard with people standing around watching your every move. I have to admit though, it's a lot of fun.
If you have a mind to, come on over to the house and play a few games of 8-ball or 9-ball. If you're a beginner like me, we'll both get to shoot. If you play Ken, be prepared to rack just about every time and to sit and watch. He's sneaky good.
It's a Pool Party!
Friday, July 2, 2010
Peach Cobbling and Goal Checking
I consider myself a middlin' scratch baker, but I'm in the process of expanding this particular horizon. Here is my very first homemade peach cobbler. I had a lot of peaches that we bought last weekend at the farmer's market, and they were getting positively ripe--the whole house smelled like peaches. I had to do something with them before they graduated to deer food.
With a light dusting of sugar (Splenda) and cinnamon on top, the finished cobbler looks yummy!

Now it's even yummier with a dab of ice cream and a cup of coffee.

After making this cobbler from scratch, I was finally able to check off a goal on my Day Zero list.
With a light dusting of sugar (Splenda) and cinnamon on top, the finished cobbler looks yummy!

Now it's even yummier with a dab of ice cream and a cup of coffee.

After making this cobbler from scratch, I was finally able to check off a goal on my Day Zero list.
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