Some of the little moments include graduating with my Master's degree in English, playing a lot of pool with Ken, and muddling through travel disruptions, delays, and detours due to Europe's massive snowstorm as well as New York's massive snowstorm these last couple of weeks. Despite our travel woes, we did get to spend an unplanned night in Paris, and celebrating Christmas with my Aunt Betty and Uncle Alan, my cousins, and my parents in Coventry, England was a great way to top off the year.
Ken and I are wrapping up 2010 at home where it's safe from revellers who don't know when to say when. My favorite type of celebration: a quiet evening at home with Ken.
We plan to embrace 2011 and all its little moments.
Happy New Year!
Ken outside Aunt Betty's house in Coventry, England
Ken and Bob--with Dad and Uncle Alan in the background
Dinner with Mom and Dad. Cheers!
Coventry Cathedral --still in ruins from The Blitz in 1940
View from our hotel in Cologne (Köln), Germany

au revoir 2010!