Saturday, April 6, 2013

It's a New Day!

It has been almost a year since I last blogged. I'm not sure why I stopped because I have definitely enjoyed this creative outlet in the past. Many things have occurred since last April, but I don't think I will list it all right now because that would be boring for everyone, including me. I think I would like to reflect and sift out what has made an impression on me lately. It's so easy to focus only on the big things and push aside those little things that happen over the course of a year. It's often those unassuming moments that have the greatest impact.

I will say that I'm working again. I am now an Assistant Editor. I like the way that sounds. While I have mixed emotions, I am quite happy at the moment with the way 2013 is moving along. My goal right now is simple: I want to enjoy every single moment of every day. That's not too much to ask...right?


I think I will keep this entry short and call it my reappearance into the blogger world. I do believe I'm ready to be here once again.

It's a new day!

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