Thursday, February 18, 2010

Improving Improvements for Body and Soul

I am definitely ready for Lent--the meditation on what it all means and how I can improve my spiritual life. I also enjoy the meatless soup followed by Stations of the Cross every Friday evening. I try to convince Ken to go at least for the soup, but that's not enough of a draw for him--especially meatless (he went once a loooong time ago). Oh well, I don't push, but I will keep trying. I did make a spinach lasagna with a garden salad last night for Ash Wednesday, and he didn't balk at all . . . well, not much anyway.

Since I don't eat meat (fish excluded, of course) on Friday all year, I'm giving up meat (fish excluded) during Lent. I did this last year, and I believe it worked very well. It was a big sacrifice, especially since I didn't tell anyone. Keeping something like that a secret for 40+ days, especially from Ken, was hard! I believe I shouldn't make a big deal about it and draw attention to myself and my "suffering" (okay, so I am making an exception with blogging about it :-)

While giving up meat for Lent doesn't compare to the sacrifice Jesus accepted and endured for us, it's still my small way of uniting my suffering with Christ's. An extra benefit is eating healthier! I never did go back to eating beef or pork after last year's Lent, so that's been a big health bonus for me. I wonder what the end of Lent will bring this year?

Spiritual and physical improvements are in the works!

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