There's a friendly orange cat that has been hanging around lately.
Not too long ago, the orange cat wanted to be friendly with the charcoal cat who was very comfortably sleeping on our patio chair.
Yesterday afternoon, the orange cat wanted to come inside. It has been very cold this week. I was tempted, but I said no because I know this cat has a home close by and is well taken care of. I told her to run on home before it got dark, and she did.
This morning we woke up to a tiny bit of snow. Not a big deal to people north of us, but a big deal here in south Texas. Since we get so many kitties visiting our house, I can't be sure which cat left these cute little paw prints. We get a white/gray, a charcoal, a black (two), and an orange cat at any given time, so these prints could belong to any one of them--or maybe a new one. Either way, they are all welcome to stop by and visit or take a little nap on our deck or porch.
I'm not quite ready to get another cat of my own, so I'm satisfied with the occasional visit from the many cats that live around here and patrol our neighborhood.

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