I have started using more products that are earth friendly. I am bound and determined to find personal products that are made naturally and that are not made from animals or tested on animals. I find it odd when a product says the final or finished product was not tested on animals. Does this mean the product at some point in the process (before it was finalized) was tested on animals? Hmmmm

So far I have tried Dr. Bronner's Castile bar soap in place of my normal body wash. The one I am using now is the one with Almond. I have not used the bar soap on my face yet, but I plan to.
I really like this soap! I have a special wash cloth in the shower that helps the soap work up into a really nice lather. The soap also comes in other natural fragrances such as rose and lavender. I can buy it locally, so I am going to try them all.
The other bar soap I have tried is the Kiss My Face brand. I have the pure olive oil one - it looks like a giant gr

In addition to personal hygiene products, I have used the Clorox Green Works cleaner. The kitchen cleaner is good, but the toilet bowl cleaner does not work that well - it also stinks! I am still looking for all household products that will not harm the earth and animals but still do a good job.
I am glad that more natural products are available these days. I am trying to research them to find out if their claims are true about what is in them and not in them and how they are manufactured and distributed. I would hate to be misled into thinking a product is not harming the earth or animals just because the container or company says so. I am slowly transitioning over from those products with mystery ingredients that may or may not be harmful.
One thing I have noticed - these natural products can be expensive! But I think if I purchase wisely and use the products frugally I can manage the extra cost. I think it is worth it!
I have also made great strides in choosing healthier foods. Since I have never had a weight problem, my awareness of what I consume has not always been a top priority. I am very aware, however, of sugar in products because of Ken's diabetes. Since Ken's heart surgery five years ago, I have also become more aware of salt and bad fat intake. Several years ago I stopped loading my baked potato and salad with all that fatty glop. A dry baked potato and a dry salad are an acquired taste, but well worth it. These foods - in all their natural glory - taste wonderful! Ken did reduce the stuff he put on baked potatoes and salad for quite a while after his heart surgery. Unfortunately, he has since gone back over to the dark side. I guess he loves blue cheese dressing and butter/sour cream a little too much. I try to lead by example, but he does not always follow.
Lately I have increased my effort to find more food ideas that are earth friendly as well as body friendly. One example: I have found some soy milk that comes unsweetened (Silk and SoySlender)! I love skim milk, but it has so much sugar in it (lactose is also called milk sugar). Finding a "milk" product without all the sugar is a blessing. Ken can finally eat cereal without all that sugary milk spiking his blood sugar. The unsweetened Silk soy milk is also lower in sodium, carbs, and calories than the regular soy milk. SO...I have to read every label carefully! I cannot just grab the first healthy item off the shelf.
Informed and conscientious shopping can be arduous, but I am doing it with a happy and healthy heart!
This has been an interesting journey so far, and I know I still have a long way to go.
This has been an interesting journey so far, and I know I still have a long way to go.
One small step at a time.
1 comment:
I love this entry! That's great that you're trying to change your practices. I got this book called It's Easy Being Green last summer at B & N and it really helped me shape up in easy ways around the house. I've also been striving to buy more locally--I love the farmer's market in the summer. I'll bet S.A. has a great one!
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