Why am I so entranced with this movie?
Well, American Dreamer involves several things that appeal to me: writing, travel to a foreign country, train travel, laughter, adventure, cloak-and-dagger mystery, and intrigue.
Kathy Palmer is a simple housewife with two young sons. Her husband, Kevin, is an accountant, and that is all he has time for: his accounts. Kathy enters a "Rebecca Ryan" contest. She writes a couple of pages (2000 words) in the style of the Rebecca Ryan novels that she loves so much. The prize is a trip for two to Paris for a week. She wins! Does her husband care? No. He also practically forbids her to go to Paris without him. She goes anyway--good for her! Kathy is no longer the meek housewife with no voice of her own. She is now Rebecca Ryan!
That is all I will say about the plot!
What I will say is that I admire this Rebecca Ryan. She has more confidence than she knows what to do with! Despite the 80s fashion with the big shoulder pads, this movie inspires me. I do not necessarily want to go to a foreign country and fall in love with another man, but I would love to go somewhere and be an amazing and courageous woman. I am not striking, and I do not command a room. I won't kid myself into thinking that every man I meet will fall madly in love with me. I am not Rebecca Ryan. But I can dream of running around Paris trying to solve a mystery. I can dream of "wowing" everyone I meet and make them wonder who I am. I will keep my eyes and ears open for an opportunity to become the courageous Ruth Jones, international crime solver and woman of intrigue.
Hey, it could happen!
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