Sarnano, Italia
This beautiful town in Italy is where we (by 'we' I mean our class of 14 students and one professor--for a Renassiance Art/Literature class) stayed for the two weeks out of the four weeks in June 2007. This picture is of the Medieval portion of the city, and I took it from the balcony of our hotel: Ai Cerchi.

You can see the railing (not the top level) where I stood and looked out at Sarnano. I took this picture from the bus window as we were leaving. Taking the picture was a last desperate attempt to stop time. I know several of us were sad that morning as we took one last look at such a lovely place.

And this is Bar Centrale! This is where Jessica, Lesslie, Andee, and I sat and enjoyed a cappuccino and pastries almost every day--and where we met our fabulous British friends. We could look out at the piazza and see the goings-on in the heart of Sarnano.
All three pictures represent something to me. I doubt if I can explain it properly--probably because I am a little confused about it all. I love this place, and I know the other girls feel the same way. After almost two years, we still talk about it and long to return. We had already spent four semesters of Italian together, but it was this trip that brought us together as friends.
The bottom line is that I look at these pictures and I feel happy. I am happy at what these images represent - even though I am not really sure what they represent. Ken didn't join me in Italy until after we had returned to Rome (three weeks later and after Florence), but I was happy in Sarnano. That first Friday I was incredibly sad and had to be alone. I missed Ken terribly, but I managed to rally by the next morning. We were in Italy! There was no time for sadness! Even though we spent our 13th wedding anniversary apart, I was able to call Ken on my cell phone as I stood in the piazza in Sarnano--and all was good. The three-week separation made me grateful that we are together (it is always good to be reminded), and I think he felt the same--he did email me every day, and he would add at the end of each email a countdown of days until we would be together. Oh yes, he missed me!
I am not sure I would feel the same about Sarnano if I should ever have the opportunity to return. I think it was the perfect place for me to be and at the perfect time and in the role of student. And the friendships that blossomed are invaluable to me. When I look at these pictures (and many others), I am filled with calm and serenity and just plain happiness. I remember the lazy sun as we sat under that canopy at Bar Centrale and watched the small world of Sarnano go by.
We all took a step outside of real life for a very brief time, and we had an unforgettable adventure!
Sounds like a wonderful experience!
I believe one of John Grisham's recent novels was set in Italy - Playing for Pizza. I believe he set the novel in Parma (is that right?). Regardless, Grisham did a nice job of describing the Italian lifestyle and it certainly sounded good to me.
Spending several weeks in Italy, well, wow!, that would be fantastic. It certainly beats a classroom with chairs and the power point presentation!! Speaking of which, I need to get going to work soon... (I teach in a small college and I would trade the classroom for the streets of Italy in a heartbeat! Heh!)
Take care.
I read Playing for Pizza last year. It made me miss Italy because it was so accurate - especially the food! I didn't go to Parma (like in the book), but the description of it was like many of the small towns I saw.
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