Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Attention, Comprehension, Retention

I've been preparing for this monster exam I have to take this fall for my MA degree in English.

The MA Comprehensive Exam


I'm organizing my notes, and I'm discovering how much more I need to read and how much more I need to know. The exam is not just about knowing plots and who did what, etc. This exam is about understanding novels, poetry, short stories, plays, etc. in their historical context as well as understanding different genres, comparing aspects between novels, identifying themes, symbolism, narrative styles, and a whole lot more than that--including understanding and using literary terms to describe various elements of a novel or novels or whatever. Like I said, it's about a lot more than reading a book and discussing the surface plot. But they know if you haven't read and if you are trying to fill the page or the air--yes, it's a written test and an oral test on two different days. I have to finalize my reading list and submit my Intent Statement by April 30. Oh dear!

This is scary, and I am definitely not ready at this point. I will be ready by the end of October . . . I hope. Did I also mention I will have to explicate a poem I've never seen before? I have time to prepare this summer, but I am already getting nervous--even though I heard it's rare to fail (you can only take the exam twice).

I feel overwhelmed right now, but I think I'll be okay when the time comes. I have several friends who are going through this with me. That helps. We are already discovering who is strong in specific works--so we can work together, rely on each other, share ideas, and learn as a group. Nice!


Anonymous said...

You are a brilliant reader. Blessings as you study! Let me know if I can do anything to help. I can toss you random poems to explicate ;)

Ruthie Jones said...

Thanks Jennifer! I need all the encouragement I can get, and I appreciate any and all help :-)

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