Saturday, March 28, 2009

My Patio Vegetable Garden: Day One

From left to right
Kentucky Wonder Green Beans, Roma Tomatoes, and Carnival Mix Bell Peppers

I decided to try the vegetable garden again. I tried planting a garden out in the yard several years ago, but all creatures great and small treated it as their personal buffet. I figure cultivating the vegetables in containers on my deck will help keep those critters from snuffling around looking for a tasty treat (although I have caught a couple of daredevil deer venturing up the steps onto the deck . . . hmmm). I also hope the birds keep away from the seeds because I do not feel like putting netting over them. The packet for the green beans is the only one that mentioned poles, but I put poles in the other containers--just in case. The tomatoes and peppers are supposed to be started indoors in containers. Well, they are in containers, and I guess they will be okay if I put them outside right away. If I have trouble with them, I will start them indoors next time. I helped my mom grow vegetables a long time ago, but it was her green thumb that sprouted all that goodness. I can grow things if I can just remember to water regularly . . . that is my downfall. I will try to be diligent this time!

Once (if) these vegetables start to grow, I will take pictures to mark their progress. I really hope they make it so that I can harvest some delicious, homegrown vegetables! If not, I will try again. I will not post their progress until they are actually growing and it looks like they will make me look like a gardener. This is going to be fun . . . I hope.

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