Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Pool Party!

No, it's not that kind of pool party with all the splashing, chlorine, suntan lotion, and tons of food. Although that does sound like a fabulous idea to get through our hot Texas summer.

It's about Pool.
This is what Ken and I do these days. We play pool . . . a lot!

And I'm not talking about heading out to the local pool hall every so often to breeze through a few racks. I'm talking about league nights with all the excitement and stress that goes with playing on a team against other teams. I play three nights a week and Ken plays four. I'm not sure who is crazier--Ken for being a pool-playing maniac, or me for allowing him to talk me into playing a game that is ridiculously hard with people standing around watching your every move. I have to admit though, it's a lot of fun.

If you have a mind to, come on over to the house and play a few games of 8-ball or 9-ball. If you're a beginner like me, we'll both get to shoot. If you play Ken, be prepared to rack just about every time and to sit and watch. He's sneaky good.

It's a Pool Party!

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