Monday, July 20, 2009

A Barking Chihuahua and Facebook

Today was an extremely weird day. I am not even sure where to begin, so I guess I will just say it finally rained this evening. But the whole day was off and strange. This happens, I know, so I refuse to worry about it.

Tomorrow I will visit my friend, Sonia. I get to help her with her Facebook and any other computer questions she has waiting for me. She has trouble posting pictures and just using Facebook in general. Lunch first though!

Sonia has a yappy dog, Emmy, who refuses to let anyone speak above her high pitched barking. I think the dog hates me. That is weird too because animals usually like me--maybe because I am an earth sign or because I rarely make eye contact with . . . well . . . anyone, including dogs. Or perhaps I am too small to be threatening to anyone let alone a tiny, fat dog with blazing eyes and a knack for piercing my eardrums with her doggy warnings to vacate her territory. Anyway, this dog nips at my feet and barks in my face, and Sonia and I usually become hoarse from yelling over the noise. Tomorrow will be a good day.

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