Friday, April 3, 2009

A Little Knitting Goes a Long Way

Knitted Bolster Pillows

Here are just a few of the bolster pillows I have knitted in the last several years. Knitting with circular needles is so much easier than knitting with straight needles. And knitting these cute pillows is the easiest thing to do in the world. Just one skein of yarn, size 10 circular needles, and a pillow form and you are good to go! Once you get started, you just knit knit knit until it is finished. This is (was) the perfect project to get my mind off of . . . well . . . anything bothersome or just to give my brain a break from studying all the time! Therapy at its finest!

Unfortunately, I had to stop knitting these wonderful little pillows because they became like tribbles. They multiplied at an alarming rate and almost took over my house! I gave some away, but I have six left (only three are shown here, but trust me, there are more). The brown one stays on my couch, and the blue one is on my bed. The others are scattered around the house just waiting to bolster a tired arm or jump into my arms when I need to hide my face from a scary movie. I would love to knit more, but where will I put them?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please please PLEASE send me the pattern! I love mindless knitting...and circulars! The BEST therapy!

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